This endpoint retrieves the wallet ID and associated details for a given external ID, useful for rapid and invoice integrations.
This API endpoint allows you to retrieve the wallet ID associated with a specific external ID. It is particularly useful for rapid, invoice, RBLs and payouts integrations where you need to look up the receiving wallet address for a specific external identifier. Endpoint GET{externalId}
externalId (path parameter): The external ID associated with the receiving address you wish to look up.
- Request GET
- Response The response provides full information about the wallet, including wallet ID, receiving address, and related data such as the currency type associated with the walletID and end-user details.
Response Format
"status": "success",
"data": {
"id": "c846c3da-f666-4351-917f-ef51d62d0a3e",
"externalId": "yourexternalid123",
"notifyUrl": "",
"address": "0x2c488d1878c47Ffb9594fEdEb9Bb3c4F509cb7F8",
"currency": "USDT",
"targetCurrency": "GBP",
"mainCurrency": "ETH",
"createdAt": "2024-11-15T16:19:35.182Z",
"updatedAt": "2024-11-15T16:19:35.182Z",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Smith",
"countryOfResidence": "IN",
"nameType": "alias"
"message": "Address fetched successfully"
Error Handling:
If the external ID does not exist or is invalid, the API will return an error response with a corresponding status message (e.g., "external ID not found").
Example Error Response:
{ "status": "fail", "data": \{ "id": "Test-External-456" },"message": "No address found" }\
Rate Limits:Please be aware of the rate limits imposed on this API endpoint to avoid throttling.
For more information on rate limits, refer to the API Rate Limiting documentation.
Authentication: This endpoint requires proper API key authentication. Ensure your API key is included in the request header for access.
Example Header:
Authorization: Bearer your\x-api-key
In conclusion, this endpoint is a useful tool for retrieving wallet IDs and addresses associated with external IDs. It supports rapid and invoice-based integrations, allowing seamless management of cryptocurrency deposits.