Supported Currencies and their details
Category | Items | Web3 |
Stablecoins | USDT ETH (ERC20) | Metamask, WalletConnect, BinancePay |
USDT TRX (TRC20) | BinancePay, TronLink, | |
USDT BNB | BinancePay | |
USDC ETH (ERC20) | BinancePay, WalletConnect | |
USDC BNB | BinancePay | |
USDT Ton | Telegram 800+m users | |
Non-stablecoins | ETH | MetaMask, WalletConnect |
BTC | ||
LTC | ||
BCH | ||
Testing Currency | TST_TETH | Metamask |
Fiat Currencies | Euros € | |
Pounds £ | ||
USD $ |
Note: Crypto conversion to fiat is supported for EUR, USD, and GBP .
cashierCurrency: Optional. This is the currency that is used by the end-user on the merchant platform as a reference. In fact the amount in cashier currency is only for informational purposes and will not affect the financial merchant balance in the Orbital platform. The supported values for this field are any ISO currency codes, including:
Category | Currency Code | Currency Name |
Fiat Currencies | AED | United Arab Emirates Dirham |
ARS | Argentine Peso | |
AUD | Australian Dollar | |
BDT | Bangladeshi Taka | |
BRL | Brazilian Real | |
CAD | Canadian Dollar | |
CHF | Swiss Franc | |
CNY | Chinese Yuan | |
COP | Colombian Peso | |
EUR | Euro | |
GBP | British Pound Sterling | |
GHS | Ghanaian Cedi | |
HKD | Hong Kong Dollar | |
IDR | Indonesian Rupiah | |
INR | Indian Rupee | |
JPY | Japanese Yen | |
KES | Kenyan Shilling | |
KRW | South Korean Won | |
MMK | Myanmar Kyat | |
MXN | Mexican Peso | |
MYR | Malaysian Ringgit | |
NZD | New Zealand Dollar | |
PEN | Peruvian Sol | |
PHP | Philippine Peso | |
PLN | Polish Zloty | |
SGD | Singapore Dollar | |
THB | Thai Baht | |
USD | United States Dollar | |
VND | Vietnamese Dong |