Streamline your withdrawals with BinancePay Payouts
To initiate a BinancePay withdrawal, use the POST Create Binance Pay Withdrawal API endpoint.
The required fields in the request body include:
externalId: A unique ID generated by the merchant
notifyUrl: The URL where the status of the payout will be sent
receiver: The Binance ID of the recipient
Optional fields:
sourceCurrency: The currency you are withdrawing from your balance (USD, EUR, GBP, etc.)
targetCurrency: The currency your recipient will receive (USDT, USDC, BTC, ETH, etc.)
feeCoverage: A boolean to cover the transaction fee (true or false)
Example Request
"targetCurrency": "USDT",
"sourceCurrency": "USDT",
"sourceAmount": "1.1",
"notifyUrl": "https://dc8c3904.ngrok.ion",
"externalId": "Test-Binance-Payout-01",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"countryOfResidence": "IN",
"receiver": "00000000"
Example Response
"status": "success",
"data": {
"id": "123e1d11-16ac-48fb-a309-43c180dce0f6",
"externalId": "Test-Binance-Payout-01",
"sourceCurrency": "USD",
"sourceAmount": "1.1",
"targetCurrency": "USDT",
"targetAmount": "1.0999",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"countryOfResidence": "IN",
"receiver": "00000000"
"message": "Crypto payment created"
Field Name | Description | Type | Required | Values |
externalId | External ID for this payout | String | Yes | Unique reference ID generated by the merchant |
sourceCurrency | Currency to be debited from merchant's balance | String | No | USD , GBP , EUR , USDT , USDC |
sourceAmount | Amount that will be debited from merchant's balance | String | No | Amount in source currency |
targetCurrency | Currency that merchant's end-user will be credited with | String | No | USDT , USDC |
targetAmount | Amount that the end-user will be credited with in targetCurrency | String | No | Amount in target currency |
cashierCurrency | End-user's currency on merchant platform | String | No | CNY , THB , VND , MYR , IDR , INR , BRL , KRW , AED , USD , GBP , EUR |
cashierAmount | Amount end-user will withdraw in cashierCurrency | String | No | Amount in cashier currency |
notifyUrl | Notification URL | String | Yes | Example: "https://noti.fy" |
feeCoverage | Flag for lifting fee from target amount | Boolean | No | true or false (Default: false ) |
firstName | End-user's first name | String | Yes | Example: "John" |
lastName | End-user's last name | String | Yes | Example: "Smith" |
countryOfResidence | End-user's country of residence | String | Yes | ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 code (Example: "IN" ) |
nameType | End-user's name type | String | No | "alias" , "birth" , "maiden" , "legal" , "other" |
receiver | Receiving User Binance ID | String | Yes | Binance ID of receiving user |
With this API, you will be able to handle payouts directly to BinancePay accounts.