Streamline your withdrawals with BinancePay Payouts

To initiate a BinancePay withdrawal, use the POST Create Binance Pay Withdrawal API endpoint.


The required fields in the request body include:

externalId: A unique ID generated by the merchant
notifyUrl: The URL where the status of the payout will be sent receiver: The Binance ID of the recipient

Optional fields:
sourceCurrency: The currency you are withdrawing from your balance (USD, EUR, GBP, etc.) targetCurrency: The currency your recipient will receive (USDT, USDC, BTC, ETH, etc.) feeCoverage: A boolean to cover the transaction fee (true or false)

Example Request

"targetCurrency": "USDT",
"sourceCurrency": "USDT", "sourceAmount": "1.1", "notifyUrl": "https://dc8c3904.ngrok.ion", "externalId": "Test-Binance-Payout-01", "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "countryOfResidence": "IN", "receiver": "00000000" }

Example Response


"status": "success",
"data": {
"id": "123e1d11-16ac-48fb-a309-43c180dce0f6", "externalId": "Test-Binance-Payout-01", "sourceCurrency": "USD", "sourceAmount": "1.1", "targetCurrency": "USDT", "targetAmount": "1.0999", "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "countryOfResidence": "IN", "receiver": "00000000" }, "message": "Crypto payment created" }

Field NameDescriptionTypeRequiredValues
externalIdExternal ID for this payoutStringYesUnique reference ID generated by the merchant
sourceCurrencyCurrency to be debited from merchant's balanceStringNoUSD, GBP, EUR, USDT, USDC
sourceAmountAmount that will be debited from merchant's balanceStringNoAmount in source currency
targetCurrencyCurrency that merchant's end-user will be credited withStringNoUSDT, USDC
targetAmountAmount that the end-user will be credited with in targetCurrencyStringNoAmount in target currency
cashierCurrencyEnd-user's currency on merchant platformStringNoCNY, THB, VND, MYR, IDR, INR, BRL, KRW, AED, USD, GBP, EUR
cashierAmountAmount end-user will withdraw in cashierCurrencyStringNoAmount in cashier currency
notifyUrlNotification URLStringYesExample: "https://noti.fy"
feeCoverageFlag for lifting fee from target amountBooleanNotrue or false (Default: false)
firstNameEnd-user's first nameStringYesExample: "John"
lastNameEnd-user's last nameStringYesExample: "Smith"
countryOfResidenceEnd-user's country of residenceStringYesISO-3166-1 alpha-2 code (Example: "IN")
nameTypeEnd-user's name typeStringNo"alias", "birth", "maiden", "legal", "other"
receiverReceiving User Binance IDStringYesBinance ID of receiving user

With this API, you will be able to handle payouts directly to BinancePay accounts.