Streamline your withdrawals with BinancePay Payouts

To initiate a BinancePay payout, use the POST Create Binance Pay Withdrawal API endpoint:


Required Fields:
externalId: A unique ID generated by the merchant. notifyUrl: The URL where payout webhooks status updates will be sent. receiver: The Binance ID of the recipient. sourceCurrency: The currency you’re withdrawing from your balance (e.g., USDT, USD, EUR, GBP). targetCurrency: The currency the recipient will receive (e.g., USDT, USDC, BTC). feeCoverage: The boolean indicating whether to cover the transaction fee (true or false).

Payout Methods:
Via Binance ID: { "targetCurrency": "TST", "sourceCurrency": "GBP", "sourceAmount": "1000", "notifyUrl": "", "externalId": "TST-Payout-LEO-binancepay-payout-0331235", "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "countryOfResidence": "Estonia", "receiver": "1231313", "receiveType": "BINANCE_ID" }

Via Email:

{ "targetCurrency": "TST", "sourceCurrency": "TST", "sourceAmount": "0", "notifyUrl": "", "externalId": "TST-Payout-LEO-binancepay-payout-2334411334511232213131", "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "countryOfResidence": "Estonia", "receiver": "[email protected]", "receiveType": "EMAIL" }

Example Response:
{ "status": "success", "data": { "id": "123e1d11-16ac-48fb-a309-43c180dce0f6", "externalId": "Test-Binance-Payout-01", "sourceCurrency": "USD", "sourceAmount": "1.1", "targetCurrency": "USDT", "targetAmount": "1.0999", "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "countryOfResidence": "IN", "receiver": "00000000" }, "message": "Crypto payment created" }\

You can manage payouts directly to BinancePay accounts using either the user's Binance ID or the email address they used to sign up on Binance