Event Notifications

Event Status Definitions
Initiated This is the initial status that appears when an end-user generates an invoice.

The end-user has deposited funds, but at least one blockchain confirmation is still pending, meaning the status is not yet complete or failed.

The deposited funds have at least one blockchain confirmation in a complete state. This status appears only when the end-user deposits after the invoice has expired. It applies to merchants who opt out of FX contracts and accept funds in the original cryptocurrency. The amount credited in cashierCurrency is updated to reflect the current market rate.

**The deposited funds have at least one blockchain confirmation in a complete state. The end-user has accurately deposited the invoiced amount. This status is specific to merchants who include an FX contract, allowing them to see their funds in fiat currency within the Orbital platform.

**The deposited funds have at least one blockchain confirmation in a complete state, and the end-user has deposited the invoiced amount accurately. This status applies to merchants who opt out of FX contracts and accept funds in the original cryptocurrency.

The deposited funds have at least one blockchain confirmation in a complete state, but the end-user has deposited less than the invoiced amount. This status applies regardless of whether the merchant includes an FX contract.

**The deposited funds have at least one blockchain confirmation in a complete state, but the end-user has deposited more than the invoiced amount. This status applies regardless of whether the merchant includes an FX contract.

**The deposit has failed due to blockchain errors or KYT checks. The funds are returned to the user.

**The invoice has expired because the user did not complete the deposit.

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