The list below is a list of supported Bank Countries. Use the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code when specifying a country during beneficiary and payment creation.
Country | ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code |
Albania | AL |
Algeria | DZ |
Andorra | AD |
Angola | AO |
Argentina | AR |
Armenia | AM |
Aruba | AW |
Australia | AU |
Austria | AT |
Azerbaijan | AZ |
Bahamas | BS |
Bahrain | BH |
Bangladesh | BD |
Barbados | BB |
Belgium | BE |
Belize | BZ |
Benin | BJ |
Bermuda | BM |
Bhutan | BT |
Bolivia | BO |
Botswana | BW |
Brazil | BR |
British Virgin Islands | VG |
Brunei Darussalam | BN |
Bulgaria | BG |
Burkina Faso | BF |
Cambodia | KH |
Cameroon | CM |
Canada | CA |
Cape Verde | CV |
Cayman Islands | KY |
Chad | TD |
Chile | CL |
China | CN |
Colombia | CO |
Comoros | KM |
Costa Rica | CR |
Croatia | HR |
Curacao | CW |
Cyprus | CY |
Czech Republic | CZ |
Denmark | DK |
Djibouti | DJ |
Dominica | DM |
Dominican Republic | DO |
Ecuador | EC |
Egypt | EG |
El Salvador | SV |
Equatorial Guinea | GQ |
Estonia | EE |
Ethiopia | ET |
Finland | FI |
France | FR |
Gabon | GA |
Gambia | GM |
Georgia | GE |
Germany | DE |
Ghana | GH |
Gibraltar | GI |
Greece | GR |
Guernsey | GG |
Guyana | GY |
Honduras | HN |
Hong Kong | HK |
Hungary | HU |
Iceland | IS |
India | IN |
Indonesia | ID |
Ireland | IE |
Isle of Man | IM |
Israel | IL |
Italy | IT |
Jamaica | JM |
Japan | JP |
Jersey | JE |
Jordan | JO |
Kazakhstan | KZ |
Kenya | KE |
Kuwait | KW |
Kyrgyzstan | KG |
Lao, People's Democratic Republic | LA |
Latvia | LV |
Lesotho | LS |
Liechtenstein | LI |
Lithuania | LT |
Luxembourg | LU |
Macedonia, Republic of | MK |
Madagascar | MG |
Malawi | MW |
Malaysia | MY |
Malta | MT |
Marshall Islands, Republic of | MH |
Mauritania | MR |
Mauritius | MU |
Mexico | MX |
Monaco | MC |
Mongolia | MN |
Morocco | MA |
Mozambique | MZ |
Namibia | NA |
Nepal | NP |
Netherlands | NL |
New Zealand | NZ |
Nigeria | NG |
Norway | NO |
Oman | OM |
Panama | PA |
Papua New Guinea | PG |
Paraguay | PY |
Peru | PE |
Philippines | PH |
Poland | PL |
Portugal | PT |
Puerto Rico | PR |
Qatar | QA |
Romania | RO |
Rwanda | RW |
Saint Kitts and Nevis, Federation of | KN |
Saint Lucia | LC |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | VC |
Samoa | WS |
Sao Tome and Principe | ST |
Saudi Arabia | SA |
Senegal | SN |
Seychelles | SC |
Sierra Leone | SL |
Singapore | SG |
Sint Maarten | SX |
Slovak Republic (Slovakia |