This page addresses frequently asked questions relating to onboarding with Orbital.
Question | Answer |
What are the steps to onboarding? | Here are the steps you will follow during onboarding: Once you register as a user on the platform, you can follow the steps outlined on the platform to onboard your legal entity:
We will then provide access to a director from your company to log in and accept our Master Services Agreement. Once the agreement is accepted, we will issue credentials to the rest of your users to begin using the platform. |
What KYC documentation is required? | The documentation required from you depends upon your company type, business activity, industry sector, regulatory license status and where you hold a licence, if one is required. Full Name of company If funds flows and settlements involve any 3rd party (e.g. your underlying customers, vendors, etc.), Orbital will require additional information about such a setup and parties involved therein, in order to comply with our AML/CTF regulatory obligations. |
Is there an onboarding or set-up fee? | There is no fee for onboarding or set-up. |
Where can I find a copy of the Master Services Agreement? | Our Master Services Agreement will be sent to you during onboarding. Separately, a director from your company will need to accept the digital version on the platform itself prior to go-live. |
How do I onboard a new entity as an existing user? | You can use the entity dropdown at the top of the screen to navigate to the onboard new entity button. Once clicked, confirm the name of your group and proceed to onboard the entity. |
Updated 4 months ago