Exotic Receivables

Exotic Receivables accounts are virtual ledgers that display the amounts of exotic currency deposited with our local exchange and OTC partners. Unlike Corporate Accounts held with financial institutions, these ledgers are used to support Exotic FX trades. In these trades, local currency can be deposited in exotic markets and used to purchase stablecoins, which are then settled into your Digital Asset Vault on the platform.

Transactional / Operational Flow

Here's the typical flow of an Exotic FX trade on the Orbital platform:

  1. Create Order:

    • Use the “New EFX Order” button in the Exotic FX module of the platform.
    • Select the currency you wish to deposit.
    • Enter the deposit amount and the currency you wish to receive in settlement. Define the account attributes for your deposit (see “Day/Overnight” and “Personal/Corporate” sections below).
    • Select the account to receive your settlement.
  2. Rate Selection:

    • Orbital selects the best available rate from local exchange and OTC partners, activating your trade order with rate and settlement details. The status of the trade will change to "Pending Acceptance".
  3. Accept or Decline:

    • Choose to “Accept” or “Decline” the trade based on the rate provided.
  4. Deposit Information:

    • If accepted, Orbital enters deposit information, including account details and instructions for each account’s total capacity, deposit window, and minimum transaction size.
  5. Confirm Deposit:

    • Confirm once the deposit is made and upload any deposit slips to the platform. The deposit balance is now reflected on your Exotic Receivables ledger.
  6. Confirmation and Tracking:

    • Orbital confirms receipt of the deposit and tracks the settlement with local exchange and OTC partners until funds reach the settlement account.
  7. Settlement Completion:

    • Once settlement is completed, the balance will accurately reflect the settlement on your Digital Asset Vault and your Exotic Receivables ledger.

During each step of this process, Orbital will be available via our dedicated chat channel to guide you.

Exotic Currencies

Below are the currencies available for deposit and trade as part of our Exotic FX service:

Exotic CCYPersonal DayPersonal OvernightCorporate DayCorporate Overnight


When booking an Exotic FX trade, you will select whether to deposit funds into a Day or Overnight account.

  • Day Accounts: Used if you want to deposit funds and execute the trade on the same business day. The rate is locked in, and the amount settled reflects the rate quoted when you accepted the trade. Deposits must be made by the specified time; otherwise, the trade will be cancelled. Ensure to communicate any special requirements to Orbital.

  • Overnight Accounts: Used if you want to deposit funds and execute the trade on the following business day or later. An indicative rate will be provided, but the exact rate will be determined on the day of execution.


When booking an Exotic FX trade, you will choose between Personal or Corporate accounts.

  • Personal Accounts: Operated by individuals designated by local OTCs or crypto exchanges that accept your deposit.

  • Corporate Accounts: Operated by companies designated by local OTCs or crypto exchanges that accept your deposit.


Rates for Exotic FX trades are variable and based on our partnerships with underlying market makers. The platform provides the best available rate from partners with remaining capacity/liquidity for the business day.


  • Transaction Sizes: No set minimum or maximum sizes. However, each currency and account type has a set capacity that may fluctuate. If capacity or liquidity affects your trade, Orbital will advise you on the maximum or minimum amount that can be placed in the order.


Settlement of Exotic FX trades can be T+0 or T+1, depending on when the deposit is made during the business day.