Creating a new conversion

Conversions are cross currency transfers/exchanges between a client's Orbital accounts. Users are able to create conversions to exchange and transfer funds between Corporate accounts only.

A conversion can be initiated from the Accounts screen, when viewing a specific account's overview or from the Conversions history screen.

On initiation, the conversion creation interface opens and users are able to interact with the form in the following sequence:

  1. Select a sell currency (and sell account from which funds will be debited)
  2. Select a buy currency (and buy account into which exchanged funds will be settled)
  3. Enter either a sell or buy amount
  4. View a confirmation of the fixed sell amount, indicative exchange rate, indicative buy amount, and guidance on expected trade settlement time.
  5. Submit conversion request

Conversion creation form

The screenshot below shows a completed conversion creation form that is ready to be reviewed in the confirmation and submission step

Conversion creation form

Conversion creation form

Conversion submission

The screenshot below shows a conversion confirmation screen, where the details of the conversion can be reviewed (fixed sell amount, indicative exchange rate, indicative buy amount, and guidance on expected trade settlement time) before the conversion can be submitted for processing

Conversion submission

Conversion submission

Submission outcome

On successful conversion submission, a success screen with the conversion reference is shown:

In the rare case that a conversion submission fails, the below error message will be shown:

Conversion submission error

Conversion submission error