Payment approval rules

Payment approval rules allow for an additional layer of control over outbound payments. This page addresses frequently asked questions relating to the payment approvals feature on the platform.

How do users navigate to the payment approvals overview screen?The payment approval screen is accessible via the “Payment Approval” option in the drop down menu when the user clicks on their avatar in the top right corner of the screen.
Which user roles are required to be able to access the payment approval queue screen?Users with Super Admin and Admin roles can access the payment approval overview screen at all times. Other users with Creator and Viewer roles can access the payment approval overview screen if they are added to the approval group for the active payment approval rule.
How will users who are designated as payment reviewers be notified of payments pending their review?When a new payment has been created and required review, users who have been assigned as payment reviewers will receive an email to the email address that they use to log into the platform to notify them of their required action. The email will contain a link to log into the platform, after which the user can then navigate to the payment approval queue to view the payment(s) awaiting review.
Which types of payments will appear in the payment approval queue?When the payment approval rule is enabled, payments that are created to an external beneficiary will come to the payment approval queue for review. Inbound payments, and internal transfers between Orbital accounts will not require approval, even if a payment approval rule is active.
Which user roles are required to be able to enable or disable the payment approval rules?Only users with the Super Admin role can enable or disable the payment approval rule.

Reach out to Orbital's customer service team if you require assistance in designating a Super Admin for your organisation.
Which user roles are required to be able to edit an existing payment approval rules?Users with the Super Admin or Admin roles can edit an existing, active payment approval rule.
Which properties of the payment approval rule can be modified?Users with Super Admin or Admin roles will be able to modify an existing, active payment approval rule to change the number of approvals that are required for a payment that is eligible for review, as well as change the users who are able to approve or reject a payment from the approval queue
When can an existing, active payment approval rule be disabled / modified?An existing, active payment approval rule can be disabled by a user with the Super Admin role, or modified by users with either Super Admin or Admin roles as long as there are no payments currently awaiting approval in the approval queue. There is no limit to the number of times that an active rule can be modified.
After a payment has been approved by the required reviewers, will it still be possible for the payment to be cancelled?Once a payment has been approved by the required reviewers, it will be submitted to Orbital for processing and it will no longer be possible to cancel the payment.
Which notifications will the payment's initiator receive?The payment's initiator will receive an email when their payment has been approved or rejected from the approval queue. In the case of approval, the initiator will also receive another email when the payment has been fully processed by Orbital and has either been successfully sent to the specified beneficiary, or has failed to be processed.