User access & Security

User access and security is central to the Orbital platform. This page addresses frequently asked questions relating to user access management on the platform.

How do I access the platform?You can access the platform through, logging in with your registered email address and password, and then entering the one-time-passcode from your two-factor authentication (2FA) app.
How do I change my password?You can change your password by selecting "Profile" at the top right of your screen when logged into You may also logout and then select "Forgot password" from the login screen.
What user roles are available and which functions are enabled for each?Users can have one of four roles are being introduced: Super Admin, Admin, Creator and Viewer. These roles will replace the legacy Admin and Viewer role types. The permissions of each role are defined in the User roles defined page
How do I add new users and/or change user access?The User Management screen is accessible in the drop down menu when the user clicks on their profile icon on the top right corner of the screen. From the drop down menu options, clicking the “User Management” option will take the user to the user management overview screen, from which they can carry out the user management actions that are permitted for their role.
Which roles are able to create new users?Only users with Super Admin or Admin roles will be able to create new users. Super Admin users can create additional users with Admin, Creator and Viewer roles. Admin users can create additional users with Creator and Viewer roles only. Users with Creator and Viewer roles cannot create new users.
Which roles are able to edit existing users?Only users with Super Admin or Admin roles will be able to edit existing users. Super Admin users can edit the roles of existing non-Super Admin users to Admin, Creator and Viewer. Admin users can edit the roles of existing Creator and Viewer users to Creator and Viewer only. Users with Creator and Viewer roles cannot edit existing users.
Which properties of existing users can be edited?Super Admin and Admin users can only edit the role of an existing user. Properties such as name and email address cannot be modified once the user is created. To modify these properties, the user will need to be removed and re-created. It is important that Super Admin and Admin users provide accurate information when creating a new user.
How can the roles definitions be access on the platform?Roles definitions can be found under the “View roles” button located in the top right section of the the user management overview screen.
Is it possible for users to be removed?Yes, Super Admin and Admin users can remove users. Super Admins can remove users with Admin, Creator and Viewer roles. Admins can remove users with Creator and Viewer roles only.
What will happen when a Super Admin / Admin user removes an existing userThe user who has been removed will be immediately logged out of their session if currently logged in, and will not be able to log in again.
What will happen when a Super Admin / Admin user resets an existing user’s two factor authentication code (2FA)?The user who’s 2FA has been reset will be immediately logged out of their session if currently logged in, and will be required to set up 2FA again when they next attempt to log in.
What will happen when a Super Admin / Admin user initiates a password reset for an existing user?The user who’s password is to be reset will receive an email with a link to reset their password. They will not be immediately logged out if they are currently logged in at the time, and they will not be required to change their password. They can ignore the email and continue to log in with their existing password.
What is the process for creating Super Admin users?In order to create a Super Admin user (either by creating a new user, or updating an existing user’s role to Super Admin), please contact Orbital’s customer service team or Relationship Manager to raise the request. Once raised, Orbital’s team will provide guidance on the required document submissions in order for the Super Admin creation request to be processed. Once the required documentation has been submitted, it will be checked by Orbital and an update on the new user creation will be provided.